Dealing With Winter Blues
For many of us, winter brings with it the challenge of fighting depression. The change in seasons can bring about feeling disconnected from the world, which can make it even harder to stay optimistic. With winter being such a depressive season for most people, there are some things you should keep in mind to help combat this challenge. For starters, it’s important to note that not everyone experiences depression or feels depressed all the time. In fact, only around 9% of the population will at some point in their life experience clinical depression. However, if you notice that you have symptoms of depression and feel like your emotions or mood swing from one extreme to another then it’s recommended that you get checked out by your GP sooner rather than later so that they can rule out any underlying issues that could be causing your symptoms. See how your psychologist Edmonton can help.
Get outside
Unfortunately, the winter months are often rainy and windy, which can make it harder to get outside and exercise. However, being active during winter can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from mood disorders because it can help boost serotonin levels. As part of your daily routine, consider getting outside while it’s light so that you can spend time in nature. Nature can been used as a treatment for many mental health issues and can help boost your mood as well as reduce stress and anxiety. In fact, when compared to a city environment, a forest can help you combat depression by improving your mood because it has a more “human-like” feel. So, if you’re feeling low while it’s winter then make sure you get outside and take advantage of nature’s benefits.
Eat healthy, exercise and get a lot of sleep
While it’s a good idea to eat your antioxidants and vitamins that will help boost your mood, you should also make sure you’re getting a healthy amount of sleep. Sleep can be used as an antidepressant because it’s when your body repairs itself and builds up your endorphins and serotonin levels. So, if you’re struggling with a low mood then it’s recommended that you try to increase your sleeping hours. If you’re struggling to get enough sleep then you should try to keep a sleep schedule and avoid social media, caffeine and alcohol while you’re sleeping. If you’re struggling to keep to a healthy diet while you’re battling with depression then you should try to replace sugary foods with foods that have more antioxidants and vitamins, such as dark fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Talk to your friends and family
There’s no doubt that one of the best ways to combat with winter blues is to spend more time with the people that you love. This is because being around positive people can help to boost your mood because it makes you feel better about yourself. If you’re struggling to get out of the house or meet up with your friends during the winter months then you could try to get creative and plan some creative activities to keep you occupied, such as a book club. You could also try to pair up with your friends and organise a social activity, such as a café catch-up or a get-together with your friends. It’s also a good idea to make sure to let your family and friends know how they can help, especially if you’re struggling to talk about it or ask for help.
Keep a journal to help you cope with your feelings
Keeping a journal is a great way to get out your feelings and find a way to cope with your depression. This journaling can be used as a way to express your feelings and help you process them, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Journaling is a great way to find closure on any issues you’re dealing with while it can also help you to look at your emotions in a different light, which can help to treat your depression. If you’re struggling to find a way to express yourself while battling with depression then you could try to keep a journal and try to find a creative way to express yourself, such as drawing or painting or you could try to keep a diary and try to find a way to write down your feelings and thoughts so that you can process them.
Stay positive and be kind to yourself
As well as trying to spend more time with your friends and family, it’s also important to try to find ways to stay positive. This can be helpful because merely thinking positively can help to reduce your symptoms of depression. It can be helpful to try to stay positive during the winter months because when you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to let yourself down or forget about the good things in life. However, staying positive is one of the best things you can do to combat winter blues. It can be a good idea to try and find small things that make you smile, such as decorating your lunchbox or listening to songs that make you happy. It’s also recommended that you try to keep things that remind you of the good things in life, such as photos or a jar of your favourite flowers.
Talk to your Psychologist Edmonton
While the winter months can be a challenging time for many, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. In fact, many people will experience winter blues during this time of the year and it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. If you’re struggling with winter blues, it’s recommended that you try to spend time with friends and family, eat healthy foods and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. It’s also important to remember that staying positive can help you to combat winter blues, which can make it easier to stay optimistic and optimistic when you’re feeling low.
Your therapy is a safe, welcoming, counseling practice offering confidential mental health assessment and psychologist treatment in Edmonton. We hope this article brought to you by your trusted Edmonton psychologists is helpful. As always, please feel free to reach out with questions about mental wellness and therapy in Edmonton.